
Out of school, out of pocket: How much do parents spend on extra-curricular activities?

Children’s lives are now timetabled, structured and planned in a way most of our parents and grandparents would find utterly baffling.

Society today is so competitive and so relentless that today’s parents probably feel they have little choice. They are forever being reminded that they must give their children every opportunity to acquire a new skill or remedy a disadvantage if they can.

This report is an attempt to help both organisations offering tuition-related services as well as those offering ‘non-academic’ activities to understand the reasons why parents expend so much money and time on out-of-school activities.

It looks at:

1. How much is spent on out-of-school activities?

2. What types of activity parents pay for?

3. Why parents pay for extra-curricular activity?

4. Whether parents are worried about pressuring children to succeed?

To receive a download link for a free copy of this report, including our exclusive research, please complete and submit this form.